Saturday, June 21, 2008

CBMI-2008 and COST292 in London, UK

The 6th edition of the International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI-2008) took place in London, UK, on 18-20 June 2008. It was hosted by Queen Mary University of London. This was a very interesting and informative event. I was one of the invited panelists there to discuss the future of research in multimedia retrieval.
I have put a copy of my slides in the mirror site of my Blog at EPFL, at the end of the same article, for those interested.
More information about CBMI-2008 and a detailed technical program on what was presented and discussed can be found at the following url:

In parallel to CBMI-2008, the Technical Committees and Management Committee of the COST292 also met during the same period to present the latest progress of this Action, and to set up further coordinations. Additional information about COST292 Action can be obtained from the following URL:
One of the most active Working Groups in COST292 is WG7/JPSearch which coordinates the activities of this Action towards standardization of image search technologies under the scope of the ISO JPEG committee. I have the pleasure of chairing this activity. Further information about WG7 is accessible in the following url (you need to become a member of COST292 in order to see all the details):

One of the highlights of CBMI-2008 was a great dinner on board of a boat on Thames river. I took a few pictures of this social event and put the in the following url, together with some other pictures:

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